
Health Insurance Privacy and Portability Act (HIPPA) prohibits email correspondence and voice mail messages of a clinical nature without your consent. Information will not be disclosed outside Healing Hearts, although therapy may involve participation of family members and/or significant others.

In accordance with state law, information may be released only when (1) the client signs written release of information indicating informed consent to such release; (2) the client express serious intent to harm himself/herself or someone else; (3) evidence or reasonable suspicion of abuse against a minor child, elderly person (sixty-five years or older), or dependent adult; or (4) a subpoena or other court order is received directing the disclosure of information.  Whenever possible, I will discuss with you any action that is being considered; however, I am not legally required to seek your permission, if such would prevent me from protecting you and/or another person's physical safety. As a professional, Healing Hearts may confer with another professional in order to provide the best possible services to clients. (5) Due to insecure means of communication, please use means of text messages and email for purposes of scheduling appointments only. Your counselor is not ethically allowed to accept gifts, include clients in social media, or otherwise engage in non-professional relationships.



Client Responsibility
